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The Nations Bard

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,

Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!

Aboon them a' ye tak your place.....

Born and raised in Ayrshire the Bard has been an ever present part of my world, Burns Suppers, Statues, Recitals, Tea Towels and even being taught Burns at School. 


And that connection influenced my life more than I could ever have realised.


We both followed similar paths, leaving our small town for Auld Reekie to seek our fame and fortune, Burns on the back of a Donkey, while I drove up in a beat up automatic Fiat Panda....Burns won on comfort for that one.

Scottish Storytelling Festival
Burns Night in Sylvan Lake

And then there is our Professions, Burns a poet and master of verse, I am a Storyteller, a bearer of the oral tradition. Both men of the spoken word, performers and entertainers. 


It makes me the perfect choice for your Burns Event. Whether it be to Host, deliver the Immortal Memory, Address the Haggis or more. 

Wha, for Scotland's king and law,

Freedom's sword will strongly draw,

Freeman stand, or Freeman fa,

Let him on wi me.

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